Wednesday, November 17, 2010


You will be putting the final touches on your Art History posters* today and giving Mr. Jonny group presentations based on what you have learned and created.

Remember to give each group your full attention as they are presenting. At the conclusion of each presentation, please give each group some constructive feedback as to how they could improve their presentation...this is relevant, because each group will be presenting again on Friday - and they will be recorded on video. So use this as an opportunity to rehearse!

You will also be finishing up your "Favorite Place at PAA" posters you started a few weeks ago - please use the oil pastels to begin adding color to your drawings. We will begin a more in-depth look at Color starting the week after Thanksgiving, so let's start getting warmed up!

We are weary of phrases such as "I'm done" and "there's not really anything else I can do on this." What is important in this class is not Perfection. It is Progress. And you do not Progress without Practice. This is a learning laboratory for you to not only learn new skills, but to hone and refine your existing ones. We encourage you to ask for feedback from your classmates about what you might do to improve your work-in-progress. Telling us that you are "done" is not a response we smile upon.  So please: weary us no more with that phrase. We will let you know when you are "done."

Have a terrific class!

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