The following resources are available through many public and school libraries. Please let us know if you are interested in any of the following DVDs, books, or magazines.
This list will be added to regularly - initially, these are resources in areas of Art that a couple of you have specifically asked about. Please let us know if there are resources you are looking for in particular areas (manga, oil painting, digital drawing, landscape, mixed media, etc.)
Vive les art!
Drawing Words & Writing Pictures: A definitive course from concept to comic in 15 lessons (2008) / Jessica Abel & Matt Madden.
Writing and Illustrating the Graphic Novel: Everything You Need to Know to Create Great Graphic Works (2004) / Mike Chinn.
How to Draw Hip Hop (2006) / Damion Scott & Kris Ex.
Basic Cartooning* (1995) / with childen's book author, illustrator, and television cartoonist Mike Artell.
*available from Fort Vancouver Regional Library system