
    • What do you see?
    • How do you feel about the paintings?
    • Which do you prefer?
    • What do you think of the titles of the pictures?
    • How do these pictures remind you of something in your life?
    • What time period/how long ago do you think these paintings came from, and is it from another culture than ours? (American)
    • What is it about their clothes that are different/the same?
    • Why do you think the artists painted children?
    • What do you think the ‘story’ is?   What is happening?  What do you think the children are thinking?
    • What do you think is happening ‘outside’ of the canvas?  What’s the rest of the story?
    • How do these pictures make you feel?  Why?  Color/shapes, etc?
    • What is the mood of each of these pictures?
    • What effect do the colors have on the mood?
    • How does the setting relate to the mood?
    • What are the similarities/differences in the texture of the clothing?  Overall picture/painted inside or outside, etc?
    • How does each artist create depth?
    • How is the art work symmetrically or asymmetrically balanced?
    • How does the brush work/stroke add to the meaning of the paintings?
    • Do the colors belong with each other?  Are they balanced?
    • What would be the results if portions (children) were moved (both asymmetrically or symmetrically change places) within the paintings?
    • Is there a horizon line?
    • Do parts of the work help/hinder to lead the eye into the background or distance?